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Date: 9-21-2023

Arizona Off Grid Laws: An In-Depth Guide


Last Updated: January 10, 2022

Arizona is often touted as one of the best places to live off-grid. While the state does have plenty of cheap land and sunlight for off-grid solar, living off grid in Arizona isn’t easy.

Is Living Off-Grid Legal in Arizona?

Off-grid living is technically legal in Arizona. State laws even encourage some off-grid systems. However, off grid living is highly regulated. You will need a permit for almost everything you want to install or build on your property. Further, some local laws might make it impossible to legally live completely off grid.

Arizona Zoning Laws and Off-Grid Living

In all states, it is local zoning laws which ultimately determine whether it is legal to live off-grid.

Outside of urban areas, Arizona’s zoning laws tend to be very relaxed and shouldn’t have many legal issues with going off grid.

In urban areas though, you may not be able to go completely off grid because of Fire Ordinances which require you to have running water at a certain pressure. Some cities may also require you to connect to the municipal sewage system if it is located near your property.

Off-Grid Electricity in Arizona

Off-grid electricity is legal in Arizona. There are permit requirements but they are generally easy to get for solar systems. However, be sure you look at local regulations about battery storage and permit requirements.


In most places in Arizona, you will be required to get a permit for your off-grid solar system. The permitting process for small systems is very quick and easy. You will need more documentation to get a permit for a larger system and might need an inspection. It is also usually legal to install your own solar system in Arizona.

When it comes to grid-tied solar power though, Arizona is one of the worst states. Power companies charge fees of about $50 per month simply for having solar panels and increased electricity fees for people who have solar panels. These additional fees are being challenged in court as discriminatory, but it might be a while before Arizona becomes a friendly state for grid-tied solar.

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Off-Grid Water

Because it is a desert state, it isn’t surprising that Arizona has some of the strictest laws in regards to water. In many cities, it is actually illegal to go completely off-grid with water: local fire code may require you to connect to the municipal water supply.

Even if you are legally able to go off grid with water in Arizona, expect it to be a costly process. Many people end up hauling water to their property. Not only is the hauled water itself a large expense, but it requires gasoline and time to drive to water sites.

Surface Water

Under the 1919 Arizona Surface Water Code, all people must get a permit before using any surface water, including surface water on their own property. Generally, it is very difficult to get surface water rights in Arizona.
You may be able to find property (at a steep cost) which already has surface water rights attached to it. However, if you do not put that water to “beneficial use”, you can lose the water rights attached to the property.

Can I Build a Pond on My Property in Arizona?

You must get a permit before building a pond on your property in Arizona. In some areas, getting a permit for a pond can be very difficult to get.

You might find it easier to install underground rainwater cisterns, a practice which doesn’t require a permit in many areas. Even when a permit is required, it is generally easy to obtain.

Well Water

Arizona law divides up the state into Active Management Areas (AMAs). In these areas, you do not need a permit to drill a well which has a maximum pump capacity of 35 gallons per minute and will remove no more than ten acre-feet per year. There are also some restrictions on how the water can be used, such as for irrigating only up to 2 acres. You will need to get authorization from the ADWR before drilling. If your well doesn’t meet the exemption requirements and is located in an AMA, you will likely have a very difficult time getting a permit. Water rights are determined historic use or “grandfathered rights.” You can find a map of groundwater rights here.

Outside of AMAs, there are few groundwater restrictions. You can essentially remove as much water as you want so long as the water goes to beneficial use. You can read an overview of Arizona’s residential groundwater rules here.

Luckily, the law does make exceptions for certain wells. If your well has a pumping capacity of 35 gallons a minute or less, it is exempt. There are restrictions on how the water can be used though, such as for residential uses and irrigating only up to 2 acres of land. If you want to use water for non-residential purposes, then you are limited to 10 acre feet of water per year. Even if your well is exempt under the law, you will still have to file an application with the ADWR before drilling.


Rainwater harvesting is legal in Arizona, even for potable water (when building codes are met). Many areas actively encourage rainwater harvesting and offer financial incentives.

Graywater Recycling

Graywater recycling is legal in Arizona. There are various financial incentives available for installing graywater systems and some counties even require them on new residential construction.

The law defines graywater as “wastewater that has been collected separately from a sewage flow and that originates from a clothes washer or a bathroom tub, shower or sink but that does not include wastewater from a kitchen sink, dishwasher or toilet.” The water can be used for irrigation on your own property. You will need a permit and there are design and use regulations to follow.

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Sewage and Waste Removal

One of the biggest legal obstacles you might encounter when going off-grid in Arizona is waste removal. Some areas may require you to connect to the municipal sewage system if it is located nearby. However, in remote areas, the law is generally very relaxed. It even specifically mentions some alternative systems, which makes it easier to get a permit than in states where the law is vague.
Before getting a permit for any onsite sewage treatment system, you will need to have the site investigated. Only then can you start the permitting process for your system. There are strict rules about where sewage systems can be put on your property so it is recommended that you get your sewage permit before you get your building permit.

Compost Toilets

Compost toilets are legal in Arizona. They can even be used as your only means of sewage treatment, but only in specific situations, such as if limited water supply prevents you from using flush toilets.

If you don’t have septic, then you will be required to have an approved graywater recycling system for dealing with other wastewater from your home.

In order to use a compost toilet legally, you’ll need to get a permit first. All wastewater from the toilet must be dispersed of in a trench of bed that meets specific regulations. You can read the details of the law here.

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Outhouses (called “earth pit privies” or “vault toilets”) are legal in Arizona. However, they are usually only permitted in certain situations, such as when septic tanks are not feasible. Before you can legally build an outhouse on your property, you’ll need to have a site inspection and get a permit.

Also Read:

Other Off-Grid Laws in Arizona

RVs and Tiny Homes

Arizona is one of the friendliest states for tiny homes. They are allowed in multiple types of zoning. Under the law, homes between 200 and 400 square feet are considered tiny homes. They generally must meet the same building codes as other residential homes, though the requirements for some things (like insulation amounts and ceiling heights) are more relaxed. See off grid tiny house kits.

When it comes to living in an RV in Arizona though, the laws are much stricter. They are only allowed in areas zoned for mobile homes and RVs. You won’t be able to get a certificate of occupancy for your home until you have a place to park it.

Alternative Building Materials

Arizona is very progressive in terms of alternative building materials. Building codes specifically allow many materials such as earth ships, rammed earth, straw bales, and adobe.  The laws vary on a county-by-county basis though, so you’ll still have to check with the local government and get necessary permits first.

Do you live off grid in Arizona? Let us know about your experiences.

Date: 9-20-2023

“The World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline for Drinking-water Quality (GDWQ) include the following recommended limits on naturally occurring constituents that may have direct adverse health impact: Arsenic 10 μg/L. Barium 10 μg/L. Boron 2400 μg/L.”

Filtration systems are available to achieve the best water quality.
A sediment filter is designed to catch and filter out these particulates. For those on private wells, installing a sediment filter for well water is important for two reasons: Sediment Filter Protects Plumbing and Appliances: Sediment build up can damage water-using appliances such a washing machine or dishwasher.
The average cost of a whole house well water filter system is $700-$4,500. The system type, size & capacity, process, manufacturer, and ongoing maintenance affect total cost.

Karst aquifers typically develop in limestone. Surface water containing natural carbonic acid moves down into small fissures in limestone. This carbonic acid gradually dissolves limestone thereby enlarging the fissures. The enlarged fissures allow a larger quantity of water to enter which leads to a progressive enlargement of openings. Abundant small openings store a large quantity of water. The larger openings create a conduit system that drains the aquifer to springs.[31]

Characterization of karst aquifers requires field exploration to locate sinkholes, swallets, sinking streams, and springs in addition to studying geologic maps.[32]:4 Conventional hydrogeologic methods such as aquifer tests and potentiometric mapping are insufficient to characterize the complexity of karst aquifers. These conventional investigation methods need to be supplemented with dye traces, measurement of spring discharges, and analysis of water chemistry.[33]

U.S. Geological Survey dye tracing has determined that conventional groundwater models that assume a uniform distribution of porosity are not applicable for karst aquifers.[34]

Linear alignment of surface features such as straight stream segments and sinkholes develop along fracture traces. Locating a well in a fracture trace or intersection of fracture traces increases the likelihood to encounter good water production.[35]

Voids in karst aquifers can be large enough to cause destructive collapse or subsidence of the ground surface that can create a catastrophic release of contaminants.[36]:3–4 Groundwater flow rate in karst aquifers is much more rapid than in porous aquifers as shown in the accompanying image to the left. For example, in the Barton Springs Edwards aquifer, dye traces measured the karst groundwater flow rates from 0.5 to 7 miles per day (0.8 to 11.3 km/d).[37] The rapid groundwater flow rates make karst aquifers much more sensitive to groundwater contamination than porous aquifers.[32]:1

In the extreme case, groundwater may exist in underground rivers (e.g., caves underlying karst topography.)

Entry Road Construction August 2023

Exciting Update: Sierra Mountain Ranch Road Project Successfully Initiated!


Dear Sierra Mountain Ranch Community,

We are thrilled to bring you some incredible news that will undoubtedly enhance our community’s quality of life. The long-anticipated road project involving the grading and graveling of the front road has been successfully initiated. This achievement marks a significant milestone for our community, and we couldn’t be more excited to share this wonderful news with all of you.


The completion of the road project signifies not only improved accessibility but also a testament to the strength of our community spirit. We want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the hardworking residents who dedicated their time, effort, and resources to make this project a reality. Your dedication and commitment have played an indispensable role in transforming our vision into a tangible and valuable asset for everyone. In particular, we would like to express our deep appreciation to Randy, Renee, Chuck, Lori, and Richard.

These community members went above and beyond, exemplifying the true essence of teamwork and dedication. Their unwavering determination, along with their ability to turn a vision into reality, has truly been a shining light throughout this journey. Without their tireless efforts, this achievement would not have been possible.

As we bask in the success of this project, let us also reflect on the power of collaboration and community-driven initiatives. Sierra Mountain Ranch has always been more than just a location; it’s a family of individuals who share a common vision and work together to make it a better place for everyone. The initiation of the road project stands as a testament to our ability to come together and to continute to create positive change within our community.

Once again, thank you to everyone who contributed their time, energy, and dedication to this project. Your hard work will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on our community for years to come. Let’s continue to nurture this strong sense of community cooperation as we embark on future endeavors together.

Sierra Mountain Ranch’s success is a reflection of each and every one of you, and we couldn’t be prouder to be a part of this remarkable journey. 

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